Rutgers, Clementi And Now Hemdal – Any Differences?
By : Richard B Herman | Category : Uncategorized | Comments Off on Rutgers, Clementi And Now Hemdal – Any Differences?
30th Oct 2012
Shades of Rutgers University and Tyler Clementi. Here, 16 year old Anders Hemdal was caught on a school trip abroad, actually on board, having sex with his girlfriend. The act was video-taped by another student who then released the tape around the school. When Anders asked the school for help, he was suspended for 4 days without a hearing (required under PA law) along with his girlfriend and the videographer. The videographer has been charged in juvenile court and those proceedings are sealed. Anders is now suing the Schuylkill Valley School District for violation of his due process rights, to have his record expunged and for legal fees plus. When more intelligent minds address this issue, I guarantee there will be a sealed, secret settlement. The school district acted horribly. Is this not bullying?